Monday, December 13, 2010

Well Hello Christmas Magic!

So I've been working at "Paws around Town" and yesterday Payslee & I just had a blast.. Lots of fun customers, and she's quite a sales person because she stands at the edge of the doors till people see her..then when they try to pet her, she races inside, so they have to come IN the store to shop if they want to pet her! Its funny..and she's such a good greeter! We are having a lot of fun there.. Plus when Miss Pays gets home, she is just BEAT.. (see side pic)..

Last week I went to an awesome Christmas party and won a gift certificate to the Movies, and an Ulta Gift Certificate..AWESOME! I'm going to try to finish up my Christmas shopping this week, and start making plans for my Christmas Party on Saturday.. I've been working quite a bit, but things are slow this week at one of my jobs, so hopefully I'll catch up and get ready for some party festivus!

I believe that Santa is going to bring me some new Landrollers..I'm pretty pumped about that, seeing that the last wheels I bought threw me into the pavement! Plus the babes are ready to rollerblade again. I'm also getting a new bike..It belonged to my dear friend Dick Johnson that I did morning with in Weatherford..I loved loved him, and sang at his funeral 2 years ago..I can't believe he's been gone that long, and I still miss him..But..I LOVE his sweet wife Ellen, and when she told me she wanted to sell his bike, I knew it was meant to be mine! I'm going to see if I can get one of those wagon things that the babes can ride in while I bike along.. Oh what a sight! lol

Hope everyone is having a great time Christmas Shopping..If you still have stuff to shop for, heres a list that helps you pick something for every person on your list. The Consumer Queen has done a great job putting together an awesome list! Check it out! Plus she has great coupons! score!

Also, if you haven't read my friend JOEL's BLOG..Do so, he's entertaining..

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