Saturday, January 1, 2011

The story of MJ

Well I successfully stayed up to midnight last night.. Shocker. I was really surprised. MJ, Lauren, Brandon, and I all went to McNellies pub and had some drinks and watched OSU get beat by Gonzaga..Then we decided to go Cosmic bowling..The place we went was less than fancy, but hey..balls are balls..and bowling is So with that going on we managed to stay up till midnight! I was happy to bring in the new year with good friends, and my love..

2010 Was an odd year for me.. We had that bizarre snow-storm throughout Christmas..but I was on vacation at the farm, so I enjoyed being warm with my family.. I brought in the New Year with friends, and a date..It was an odd date that went NO WHERE, and that was the end of that.. but I wasn't discouraged because for some reason I just felt that this was the year that I was going to meet the man that was brave enough to put up with me.. So for those of you who don't know the story of MJ, here ya go..

MJ stands for Magical Jordan..His name is Jordan.. He was a friend of a friend, that being Brandon & Amy, who I had gotten very close to although I had never met MJ at that point..In Early January I was having a "Wii" party with my new Wii that Santa had brought me..AT that time I was dating a Cop that I had met, and he had come over for our 2nd date. I really wasn't that into him, but I had not been dating for a year, so I was trying to be optimistic..The dogs didn't try to bite him, so I didn't think he could be all that bad.. Well as the night went on, Brandon & Amy inform me that they have invited MJ over, but he has stranger danger and hates talking to new people.. Little did I know that they had invited him over to meet ME, and not told HIM that I was on a date with another guy! Great right?

So when he gets there, I run outside to 'save' him from my crazy neighbor who has been hollering at people parking in the street all night.. I run outside and say hello and invite him in..but remember I don't think he is there to meet me, I think he's just there to see Brandon & Amy.. So he comes inside and we all start to play wii.. I begin to lose at Wii, so I begin to cuss in a big way..As you know I'm very competitive, and I hate losing.. So I'm slurring some pretty good cuss words together.. Oh, and did I mention all the wine? Yeah..lots of wine.. Anyway.. So throughout the night Amy & Brandon are texting Jordan and I saying "What do you think" "Do you like him" "Go make your move"..etc, and I"m thinking "I'm on a date with another guy!".. but I have realized at this point that whether I end up dating Jordan or not, I do NOT want to be dating the Cop.. However, The Cop has decided that we SHOULD be dating, and I should not be talking to anyone else at my party and begins to act like a D-bag..

So by the end of the night the Cop is mad, Jordan is confused, I'm confused, and Amy & Brandon are claiming 'innocent'.. :) Well after all that mess, Amy & Brandon ask us if we want to go on a double date that we agree.. We ended up talking on the phone a few nights, and it was great..We had a lot in common.

Not to be sappy, but our first date was awesome, and I loved him from that moment on.. We went to the Mont in Norman and had 'swirls'..and I'm not sure if it was the swirls, or his pretty blue eyes, but it was a done deal for me.. lol.. He was such a gentleman, and so sweet..and Miss Payslee loved him too.. I think it took him like a week before he liked me as much, but we have been inseparable since that time..On the 23rd we will have been together for a year! And I still love the guy...and thankfully he loves me back! So yeah, while the job front pretty much sucked ass in 2010, I'll still be thankful that I found my Magical Jordan! This has been the easiest, most effortless relationship, and now I know that "God does bless the broken road, that leads you straight to your love!".. Thanks Rascal Flatts.. Okay..thats enough sap for now..I'm even making myself ill.. Happy New Year!


  1. Did I miss the part where you said he is also a hottie? I am so thrilled that you found a guy that is as neat as you!

  2. Oh yeah.. PS he is a hottie!!

  3. I remember the date at the Japanese steakhouse! :)
