Monday, February 28, 2011

The Wind..Blows..

What can I does. I get out of the car this morning and it whips so hard that I dang near lose my balance and fall down as the car door slams up against me.. The wind is just annoying to me.. In fact, all of Oklahoma weather is annoying to me.. First its snowing..then its sunny and 70, then its snowing again..then its raining, and then freezing, and then 80.. I wish it would make up its mind!

I had a productive weekend this weekend..I managed to get a laddar and change all the lights in my house! Even the ones in the 30 foot ceilings!

Speaking of lights.. Check out this website if you are looking for any: LIGHTS
Well I found out that I'm going to be singing at the Rodeo Opry on March 28th. I'm going to do a Patsy Cline Medly, so if you would like to join me you can go to From what I understand you can already buy tickets to the 28th show, so its should be a good time. I know my mama is excited to hear me sing again!

I've cut back my hours at Paws around Town.. AS much as I love working there, I also LOVE my weekends. Its really the only time I have to get things done around the house, and also spend time with the dog babes. Since its an 8 hour day at the store on Saturdays, I can't take Miss Payslee, and I missed hanging out with them on the weekends.

The Job at Chesapeake is going well, and I'm hoping to be a permanent employee there soon. In the meanwhile I'm still helping people upgrade to Windows 7 on their computers, so if you have any questions about that, feel free to ask me, lol. .Saturday night Jordan & I went with a group of friends to the Loony Bin..The comedian was hilarious.. We had a great time except for all the smoking. I can't stand my hair smelling like smoke, so I had to wash it the second I got home. Then yesterday we went around and looked at houses. We both like the same types of houses, so it shouldn't be too hard to choose one.. We just have to wait to see what is going to happen with my job situation before we actually get serious about buying one. Thats a big responsibility..

I watched the Oscars yesterday but the whole time I kept finding myself saying "Who cares".. I had watched "Black Swan" and it was good, and "The Social Network" and "Inception" .but I didn't see "The Kings Speech" or any of the others.. Plus it seems like its just a big moment of butt-kissing the actors and actresses of the films..Not that exciting to me.. However, I am enjoying American Idol this season..A Lot. .I think Steven Tyler makes it entertaining, and they really seem to have some amazing talent this year..

Payslee's Easter dress is on the way from Its got pink bunnies on it, and its soo cute! I'll post pics soon. We went on two visits last week and she was so sweet to the residents. She's a good girl. I'm glad she can make others smile as much as she makes me smile! I'm still enjoying my Sunday School class. We are now covering the book of Job..and I'm telling you..If you think you have trials, and suffering..just read Job..It will put your whole life into perspective..

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