Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sugar anyone? Don't mind if I do..

            (If you have not watched the Taylor Swift Goat video, here you go.. Your welcome)

So I'm almost 25 weeks.. which is frightening.. Why you say? Because twins are considered full term at 36 weesks, which means I'm a little over 10 weeks from being able to welcome these little glitter gems into the world! Am I ready? Um probably not.. I feel like I'm grossly unprepared, I"m scared to death,  and I'm wondering what I have gotten myself into!

I'm to the point now where I can feel them wiggling. I'm going to be honest. Its odd. I mean its like aliens have taken over your body. You really feel like things are swimming in your belly. Its bizarre..but I like feeling it because I know they are ok and just hanging out. Although I think that Baby B makes Baby A stay in the corner while she swims around the whole area.. Last week I went and took my Gestational Diabetes test.. They give you a flat orange drink and you have to shoot it down in 3 minutes or less.. so I slammed it down (I was pretending I was back in college at JC Cowboys and it was shot night, lol) and waited my turn to go back..

When they called me back, they took the babies heartbeat.. Well apparently the babes love sugar because they were acting wild! Baby B was being so crazy that she was making crazy sounds and the tech said "Wow..they are really active today".. Of course Baby A was still resting in her usual place while Baby B was jumping all around like a crazy bean. I think she makes A stay in her place while she overtakes my body.. Baby B is who Jordan says is mine.. and Baby A is his.. lol.. And no, we still can't agree on any names!

Test came back and I do not have gestational diabetes! Which is great.. because seriously, who wants to be on a diet while pregnant? I mean really.. how bad would that suck. A lot. Dr. Mirabile thought I may have it, because the babies have a lot of fluid around them.. But we've done all the tests and it may just be that I pee a lot, and so my babies pee a lot! (that is Jordan's theory anyway).. We go back on the 11th of March to check them out again.. they are looking more human, but still a bit alien-like..
So how bout the big snow storm we got! Oh wait.. Weatherman fail.. however, My parents got around 10" in Canute & Sentinel, and it was a mess out there.. Look at this truck.. this is on the road that goes by my Mom's house.. foolish people who drive in snow storms.. Not smart.. I think this poor soul learned the hard way.. So it did miss us up here, but Mom was without power for 2 days and kept having to brush snow off the satellite dish.. But the power is back on, roads are cleared now, and I'm headed that way on Friay to get me some beef! Gotta love fresh beef, and as a farm girl, Its a luxery I've always had thanks to my family! None of that store-bought crap!

So.. We finished most of the nursery.. we are basically waiting on 2 things.. 1) My rocking chair, and 2) the dresser/Changing table.. Both should probably be in next week. We had Tammy Allison (Art by Allison) Paint this cool tree for us. I added glitter leaves, and puffed flowers for texture.. Also put on a few small bows, and bling up and down a few branches (What.. you knew it was going to happen).. I got the cool sequin hearts at "The Feathered Nest" in OKC and hung them from the ceiling with Tulle. I got the bedding off Amazon, its from the Caden lane Collection, and that awesome bunny chair is from Restoration Hardware.. Yes, I know there is only ONE.. but don't worry, I'm ordering a lamb one to go with the bunny.. MJ did an awesome job tolerating my glitter and putting the cribs together.. he's quite handy I tell you.. We have curtains on the way, and I ordered my rocking Chair from Stork Land.. then that will be it! Which is good.. because its creeping up on us!

I still feel "OK".. its getting harder and harder to get around.. My uterus still hurts, and my back aches.. I love taking baths because thats the thing that really helps.. MJ has been  trooper putting smelly, gross, Icy/Hot on my back at night.. If it wasn't for the pain and heaviness I'd probably be a jolly pregnant woman.. Bad I have that, so I'm not.. I got the dog babes a CD of baby sounds so when the real deal is happening they won't flip out.. Pays is creeped out by it..she stares at the radio like is from space trying to talk to her.. We are still going to therapy visits, and I'll keep going until I can't go anymore.. Its rough though because they are small dogs, so I have to bend down and pick them up about 30 times/visit and put them in people's visits, or where they can pet them.. but I'll keep powering through until I can't do it anymore!!
Several of you have asked about my baby registy.. Yes,  did one.. Yes, it was terrible, and No, I don't know what a lot of the stuf on there IS or DOES.. so feel free to provide insight here.. I put it on there at the request of my twin frind Chelsea who has 6 month old twins.. she was my registry guru.. Here they are if you want to check them out.. No judgement.. :) Also, if you have had experience with any of this stuff, please let me know if its good/ bad.. you can email me at I'm new to all this, so give me your suggestions!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Here's what's Awesome..

So here we are.. 22 weeks pregnant. I can now sortof feel the babies now, but hell, I've never been pregnant before, so I'm not really sure what I can feel.. Jordan felt one of them kick a little bit the other day, but so far they are not beating me up, so that is nice.. I realize that they are going to have a really cool bond, and I'm excited about that.. These two little guys in this video make me laugh!!

About 2 weeks ago I had to go to labor and delivery.. I thought I was leaking amniotic fluid (don't never results in  good news).. so I call my Dr, and he's actually in training that day so they send me to the Triage unit at Mercy.. Those folks are awesome over there, but I really didn't think anything was wrong.. Sure enough, I was right, and I was just peeing myself.. Go ahead.. Laugh.. Get it out.. I  know.. The jokes on me.. I have had overactive bladder since my 20's, so you can only imagine what being pregnant with twin girls does to my bladder.. They sit on it, and apparently I pee myself. Awesome. But... glad everything was good.

I've decided that I'm gradually getting annoyed with things people say to me when they find out I'm having twins.. It reminds me of this:
People are constantly saying to me
"Do Twins run in your family?".. Well not really.. I mean I think I have some 5th cousins or something that are twins..
"Are they paternal?".. Well yes, they do have a father.. That would be MJ.
"Oh, you're going on bed rest huh?".. Well now that's a negative attitude to have! I hope not! I'm trying to do everything in my power to keep that from happening, so don't remind me about it.
"Twins..What are you going to do about that?!".. Um, well nothing..You can't really give one back.
"Holy Moly, the diapers! Are you going with re-usables?".. No. I am trying to keep my sanity, so no.
"Wow, you are going to be huge"..thanks captain obvious.. I already feel that way, but thanks for making me feel worse.
"Do you have Names?" Um, no.. My husband and I are at odds on this one.

Those are just a few of my fav's.. I get many more.. but mainly people are just overly excited.. Like random people walk up to me in stores when they hear me talking to sales people and offer twin excitment.. its odd, but fun.

We went to dinner with my friend Kristen & Her hubby Mike the other night.. They have a 4 month old little boy and I was sitting there thinking "There's no way I'll be able to eat in public for like 9 months".. lol..The Baby was great! But can you imagine me waltzing in with 2 sets of everything! We'd be like a spectacle.. and that's assuming the girls weren't flailing about and acting wild! I'm pretty sure when traveling with twin girls we are going to be quite a site.

MJ & I went to our first baby class a couple of weeks ago. Its called "Preparing for Multiples".. it was really good. We took it at Baptist because that is the only place that offers it.. It was 2 weeks in a row, and really great. I had to laugh though when they showed me the "Double football hold" for breastfeeding..The other irony to me is that there are women in the world that let you PHOTOGRAPH them double football holding their twins and breastfeeding.. (I'll spare you the pics, but if you are just dying to see, you can click HERE) What the hell! Why!! I'm quickly realizing that there is just no way to be cool while breastfeeding twins.. In fact, my cool days are probably over pretty soon..However, I've led a pretty cool life for awhile now, so probably about that time.. especially if I end up driving a sweet mini van! You can't imagine the food I'm supposed to be eating.. 3500 calories/day, like 8 servings of protein, 2 of eggs, 6 of dairy, 6 fruits, 6 vegetables, etc.. and then a GALLON of water.. Well great.. Just hook me up to a catheter.. awesome.

We got the other crib in.. We'll probably put that up this weekend, and by ME, I mean MJ doing it, while I sit and chat with him and try to help, until he takes all my tools away and shoo's me out of the room.. We also ordered my rocking chair, and the twins Pink Fluffed bunny Chair.. I know, I know..they probably don't NEED a fluffed bunny chair, but I kinda feel like I need one, so in turn they need one. If they made them for adults you can bet your sweet bippy I'd be sitting on one right now to help my aching tailbone!

I go back to Dr. Mirable today for another ultrasound. They are moving around right now.. someone told me to eat skittles before I go to the appointment and they will move around..but with baby B, she is always on the move, so I don't think I need skittles.. Hopefully we'll get some good pictures this time. Last time they didn't really pose.

Should have the nursery almost finished soon.. I'll post pics when we do. We are having a lady come over and paint a tree in there and then will decorate the branches.. I have a few fun, glittery numbers to hang on the walls, so it should be pretty fabulous when I'm done. 16 weeks to go!!

I still feel like I'm getting kicked in the crotch everyday, and of course I Pee every 5 minutes.. oh, and my uterus is still exploding..but other than that, I'm powering though!! Here's a Baby Bump pic with me and Miss Pays at 21 weeks! The dog babes are still being weird and 'nesting' my stomach.. lol..They must know something is up. Payslee wants to lay on top of it, and Sawyer wants to lay right by it.. They are my sweet birds.