Friday, June 18, 2010

Things are starting to happen!

Well YAY Folks.. Things are starting to happen for Ol' Shep! Thanks to the help of some fabulous listeners, friends, and family the job prospects are starting to roll in. I went on Two interviews last week..and two this week, and got asked back for 2 second interviews. On top of those things, I have a new offer that I think will turn into something as well..So Blessings! Blsessings! And Thank you's!! I would be doing something I have never done before, but I'm excited about new opportunities. I'll keep you posted..

Last night Payslee & I went to The Fountains at Canterbury for a therapy visit..We had the best time. She loves this little lady in the picture..She visits with her, then goes and talks to other people..then she run backs and jumps on the lady's lap..its so cute. And the lady looks forward to seeing her each time she comes in..Its always fun there.

So More exciting news.. MJ surprised me with an Apple IPAD this week! Are you kidding me!! I had been wanting one for a long time and he told me that when I got a job he would get me one as my "Motivation".. but it came in early, so he just gave it to me and said he was being "Optimistic" about me getting a job soon (which I think worked!).. So here she is.. I named her "Paddy" the Ipad, and I LOVE HER!

She does amazing things..She even makes phone calls with an App called "Whisle".. And she is so pretty!! I've been playing Words with Friends, Facebooking, Tweeting, and more on her..She makes the screen giant, and I just love her..Mom gets to see her this weekend because we are going to the farm to visit..She's excited!
On a crap note, I found out I have arthritis in my right knee..and it sucks. Its been so painful that I can't sleep at night..So I went to the Ortho on WED and got some medication, so I'm hoping that will far its helping a little, and the icepack helps too.. I'm hoping it gets better. If not I have to go back in 3 weeks for an MRI, because the X-Ray showed nothing so far..blargh. I'm in my 30's and I have arthritis? Can you say..LAME!! lol.. Oh well..
Oh, and I have some more great news too..I found an excellent website that has all kinds of magical things, it's called They sell everything from a bedroom vanity to home decor and dog stuff Coming up in the next blog or so, I'm going to do a review of a new collar for Sweet Sawyer..So pics, and the review coming soon!! Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I just love it. I think it is wonderful that you and Payslee takes the time to visit with the elderly and the sick. You are the best. I so hope you find the perfect job. You really deserve to do what you love to do! Good Luck with the interviews!
