Tuesday, December 1, 2009

23 Days till Christmas!!

One of my friends sent this to me yesterday and it just cracked me up!! It makes me think of Whiney Payslee!! Haha!!

Yesterday I found an awesome gift..It was a bottle of wine, and you could put a picture of YOUR dog on it..How great is that! So I was all jolly, until I realized they won't ship to Oklahoma! What is that about! We have strange liquor laws in this state.. So now thats OUT.

I'm getting excited about this weekend.. TRACE ADKINS! We'll be giving away front-row seats this week, so listen for your chance to win! We've also got the King Country Christmas Catalog going on at KKNG.com, its got a lot of goodies in it too!

I took Payslee to visit my Hospice friend yesterday. Payslee just loves Miss Dorothy! She waits for her to say its okay, then she jumps on her lap and waits for Miss Dorothy to pet her..Sawyer on the other hand, is not 'excelling' at the therapy work, but we have a visit scheduled for Thursday, so I'm going to take him and see how he does..He may just be suited for "Cuteness".. lol.. Have a good day!

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