Yesterday Miss Payslee had a visit with her friend, Mollie the Golden Doodle at the Hospital in Norman. We take them there to help the patients with their physical therapy. It was so sweet when this lady was holding Payslee and said to me, "I've been here for 3 weeks and this has been my best day".. Aww! How Sweet is that..and Miss Pays just loves it too! She was smiling the WHOLE time yesterday. I had her in her cute Heart dress with matching Pink Bow..and everyone keep oooing and awwwing over her.. She did all her tricks including her "Oprah" trick..where I get the camera out and say "Smile like Oprah" and she opens her mouth and smiles (like she is doing in the picture).. She is such a good girl. I also took her by to see her Breeder..She had not seen Miss Pays in awhile, and she took a million pics of her..
So James Otto has a new song!! Its called "Groovy Little Sumer Song" and you can hear it on ITUNES. Its freakin awesome, and I'm quite certain you will like it.. He's supposed to release a new cd a little bit later this year..Very excited about that! Also excited about Lady Antabellum and Tim McGraw scheduling a concert at the Zoo Amp..Its coming up on June 13th I believe..Should be goodtimes..
Valetines Day is just around the Corner..Wanna be Cheap but Creative? Here ya go..
Have a lotta love in your heart, but not a lot of loot to back it up? Not to worry -- the most romantic Valentine's Day gifts require imagination, not money. "Think back on the most treasured gifts you've received," says Laura Shanahan, a New York consumer-tips columnist. "Chances are they were the most thoughtful, not the most costly." Here are her top 10 tips for Valentine's gifts that show the most caring, not the most cash:
*An appointment book with one date filled in -- that of a romantic getaway for the two of you. It doesn't have to be a Caribbean cruise. A day of "playing hooky" together at an out-of-the-way park and a back table at a dim bistro are perfect for creating that loving feeling.
*A gift certificate for your honey's choice of pampering treatments performed by you. A massage, shampoo, and a bubble bath with room service -- their wish is your command.
*A heart-shaped box from card or novelty store. Place a handwritten note inside: "Contains 365 blown kisses just for you -- take one a day."
*Pajamas for the two of you. He wears the pants, she wears the top.
*A cozy picnic. Never mind the snow. Lay out a blanket on the living room floor and serve up finger foods you can hand-feed each other. Don't forget the candles.
*Sweep your sweetie off his or her feet with tickets to a ballroom dancing class so you can stay cheek to cheek all year round.
*Indoor "sky writing" is a great way to say I love you to that special someone. Simply make a poster with a declaration of your devotion and tape it to the ceiling right over the bed. It will be the first thing your sweetheart will see upon wakening Valentine's Day -- and your final, sweet-dreams message.
*A fortune -- or more. Get a handful of fortune cookies from a specialty market or your local Chinese restaurant. Compose your own personal messages.
*A dozen red balloons. Before you blow them up, insert tiny trinkets or love notes. Give the blowup, treasurer filled results to your beloved for a popping good time.
*A blank journal you'll head "Reasons I Love You." Every reason will have it's own page.