Well last night I took Payslee to Sterling House in Edmond for a Therapy Visit. She loves it there because she has a few 'favorite' people that she looks forward to visiting with. They always give her cuddles and pets and she smiles so big at them! She (Of course) was dolled up in her leopard print fur dress with a diamond bone bow in her hair that she got for Christmas from her Grandma Robbie.. lol.. She looked adorable!
Tonight I am having some friends over for a Nintendo Wii party. You can play up to 4 players on the Wii, so we are going to play Mario Kart, Guitar Hero & the Sports resort game .It will be fun. I love the Wii! I've been using my Wii Fit almost every day..and I also wore my Sketchers "Shape Ups" the other day..I was kinda surprised, but my legs were actually sore! I wore them again today so we'll see if they make me sore again.. Speaking of, I went to the Mall yesterday and let those Massage people in the mall who have the chairs work on me for awhile..Man! They really LEAN into it, but it was a great massage..
Today mom and Steve leave for Denver. They are taking some of our show calves that we raised to show there, and also be on 'display'..I hope they do well. They are all so pretty. Here's a picture of one of them, "Lydia & Lexus"
I went to my teacher Orientation at Francis Tuttle. I'm going to start teaching "Principals of Broadcasting" January 25 on the Rockwell Campus. Its basically going to cover the ins and outs of radio..if you would like to take it you can sign up at FrancisTuttle.com. Its offered on Monday nights from 6-8, and I think its going to be pretty fun. Its also going to be a great class for anyone that is interested in getting into the radio or tv business, whether it be in promotions, on air, sales, sports, or whatever.. I cover it all! I'd love to see you there!
I'm no longer selling the KC Sheperd Gospel CD at the radio station..so if you want one click the "BUY IT NOW" at the bottom of the page..Have a great weekend folks!
PS: If you want to give something to help the folks in Haiti Here's some more information. There has been an outpouring of support from the public. To help, people can make an unrestricted donation to the International Response Fund at www.redcross.org or by calling 1-800-REDCROSS (1-800-733-2767). Also, people can mail a check to the American Red Cross of Central Oklahoma, 601 NE 6th Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104. The public can text “HAITI” to"90999" and a donation of $10 will be given automatically to the Red Cross to help with relief efforts, charged to your cell phone bill.
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