Friday, January 8, 2010

Friday its cold..but I have good hair.

Well Hello! Geesh its cold.. I spent 40 minutes at the post office yesterday waiting in line. Is it really like that everywhere? Because it seems to me that every single time that I go to the post office nowdays there is ONE person working, and 20 people in its a minimum 30 minute wait to get anything done! Okay..sorry for that little rant, but it was very irritating. I was waiting in line to pick up Payslee's new dresses..They are so freakin cute! The Leopard print one is trimmed with a fur bow, and black fur around the edges with a big diamond heart in the middle of it. She will probably wear it to the rodeo Opry on Saturday. Try to ignore her frowny face in the pic..She was irritated because I wanted to play dress up with her new clothes, and she wanted to play Wrestle with Sawyer.. Yes, we are hosting the Opry on Saturday, so if you don't have any plans, come by and hang out for a bit.
I went and got my hair done yesterday..LOVE IT. I go to Changes Hair Salon in Edmond, and Nicole is the one who works her magic on me. Her phone number is 340-8190 if you need a hair person..It took me forever to find one after I moved up I'm thankful I did..As we ladies know, the hair is very important.. I added the Red back into mine. I'll post pics after the Brad Paisley Show tonight..

Speaking of tonight..Blaine Larson Pre-party at Tobys starting at 5:30, although I won't be there..I've got a remote at Bob Howard from 4-6, and then I'm headed to the Ford Center to pick up the tickets for everyone. I'm planning on seeing Justin Moore & Miranda Lambert backstage. I'm taking Lauren, and my brother Grant and his new girlfriend. Grant thinks that he is going to be able to convince Miranda Lambert to leave Blake Shelton for him..Ironic since he's taking his girlfriend to the I doubt it will happen, but I'll keep you posted.

Its been so cold the past few days, but the babes still need exercise so for the past few days I've been taking them to thier magic field to run free for awhile..There is ONE patch of water, and Wednesday Sawyer jumped right in the middle of it..then got out and jumped into a giant snowbank like a deer..What the heck is he? A lab? Geesh.. So they looked like little mud-faces..I see no point in washing them until this snowy, icy, cold moves out of here..Hopefully next week they will get baths. Here's her other dress..a new green one.. She has another one, but she looked so messy that I'll have to re-take the pics when she is better groomed! You all have a great weekend, and stay warm!

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